Thursday 23 April 2015

TBT #4

For Throwback Thursday every week we're going to shine our poplight on a stone cold classic.

This week's Throwback Thursday harks back to a time where a plucky band of miscreants blended the slightly disparate genres of technopop and punk (to varying degrees of success) and produced a diamond of a pop tune in the process. I am talking about Republica, and the track in question is 'Drop Dead Gorgeous'.

Released in 1997 the track was a genre-busting pop explosion, announcing it's arrival in a swirl of looped synths before the pop/punk guitars crash in with an instantly memorable riff. Then we get the unmistakeable snarl of Saffron's vocals followed by a guitar-led pre-chorus breakdown before the immense chorus.

"I know my ex boyfriend lies,
Oh he does it every time.
It's just his permanent disguise,
Yeah, yeah but he's drop dead gorgeous."

Simple yet effective lyrics are lifted by the infectious enthusiasm and charisma of Saffron's delivery, her final 'Drop dead' dripping with distain. 
Following the lengthy release of the bands début single 'Ready to Go' (also a golden pop nugget) this little gem went to number 7 in the UK charts (as well as charting in Germany, New Zealand and the US) and represented a real high point for the band. In 1998 they returned with their second album 'Speed Ballads' led by the single 'From Rush Hour with Love', not as immediate as the material from the first album but catchy nonetheless. The single charted at number 20 in the UK and following the take over of their label they eventually disbanded. 
They performed a comeback gig in 2010 at O2 Islington Academy and released an updated version of their first single cunningly titled 'Ready to Go 2010', and followed that up with a new EP 'Cristiana Obey' in 2013. Unfortunately none of this has so far returned them to the charts, however they will always be responsible for this little ray of pop sunshine. Enjoy!


You can follow Republica on social media

twitter - @SaffRepublica
facebook - Republica

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