Tuesday 14 April 2015

(this should be more) POPular #3

You know that thing when you hear a song and you can't believe it hasn't been a massive hit? Yeah, that...

This week we're highlighting a gorgeous slice of 80's-influenced synthpop from our very own shores, the UK. This week's song features the dulcet tones of Rod Thomas, AKA Bright Light Bright Light.

Bright Light Bright Light is a topclass purveyor of catchy electropop of the highest order who over the last 5 or so years has bubbled away on the fringes of mainstream success. After releasing material under his real name he soon rebranded as Bright Light Bright Light and released his first album, the magnificent 'Make Me Believe in Hope', in 2012. This album contained some moments of actual pop genius including 'Love Part II' and our featured song this week (but more about that later).
2013 found Bright Light x2 putting a totally different spin on his own electro-centric material with the release of 'Make Me Believe in Hope: The Blueprints Version' which showcased acoustic versions of the songs on the debut album.

Last year saw Bright Light Bright Light released his sophomore album in the shape of 'Life is Easy', yet another glorious example of his understanding of the power of catchy melodies teamed with heartbreaking lyrics. One song in particular, 'I Wish We Were Leaving' has such a sense of yearning your face may fall off just listening to it. This track also has the added bonus of featuring a little-known singer by the name of Elton John, never heard of him.

So, this brings us to our (this should be more) POPular for this week, 'Disco Moment'. 

For starters, what a bloody title! Starting with a slide of synths it soon switches gear with a gorgeous Moroder-esque bassline that is infectious in the extreme and just continues to build from there. The plaintive vocal makes a wonderful contrast to the shimmering synth topline and the lyrics show a relationship that is on the brink of collapse with the two parties equally holding on for dear life and constantly pushing each other away:

"And I'm as patient as the next man I'd like to think,
But not when answers can't be found.
I am open, I am open, but I might just close if..."

The simple but perfect chorus totally capture the heartbreak of a relationship in tatters while the strobe lights make the crowds dance in slow motion. This track has the power to be both uplifting and totally heartbreaking within 4 minutes. The closing twist on the chorus strikes like a stake through the heart - so sad.
So grab a hankie and prepare for an absolute corker from Bright Light Bright Light, 'Disco Moment'.

Told you didn't I?

You can follow Bright Light Bright Light on social media:

twitter - @brightlightx2
instagram - @brightlightx2

And excitingly Bright Light Bright Light is one of the supporting acts for Kylie at the British Summer Time gig in London's Hyde Park on June 21st!

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